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SEO Woking

All businesses need customers, right?

Hi, I’m Steve, and I’ve been using SEO for over 20 years to help companies to get more business from Google.

I can assess how well your website is working, get you top rankings on the search engines and help you attract more visitors to your website to generate more sales or enquiries.

Unlike other SEO companies, I offer a money-back guarantee, if I can’t rank your website, I’ll give you a full refund. No quibbles.

Get in touch for a chat
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Step 1: I’ll analyse your website to ensure that it is in the best shape to compete with your competitors on the search engines.


Step 2: This is the stage where I’ll research what keyphrases are being searched for and how competitive they are to rank for.


Step 3: Once analysed, the keyphrases will be used in the optimisation of the website and a back-linking campaign.


Step 4: Each month the websites ranking progress will be monitored and changes implemented, as required.

Ready to climb the rankings in Google?

I'm ready, if you are.
Get in touch for a chat

About Me

Hello! I’m Steve and I’ve been helping businesses to get customers from Google for over 20 years.

I know, I don’t look old enough but trust me I have seen it, been it and done it all in the SEO world.

  • SEO
  • Web Design & Development
  • Article Writing & Videos

SEO Frequently Asked Questions

How much does SEO cost?

The cost varies depending on your target geography because that determines who your competition is. For example, if you are a plumber targeting local customers, it costs less than a company targeting customers nationwide.

Once I know your target geography, I can then determine how competitive it is for the search terms related to your business. I tend to find that some sectors are more competitive than others, for example, dentists, financial advisers and insurance services are very competitive.

Here is an approximate guide to costs:-

  • Local SEO – £350 to £500 per month
  • London SEO* – £500 to £750 per month
  • Nationwide SEO – £750 to £1,500 per month

* London SEO is like targeting a small country, with 100,000’s of businesses based in London, it can be very competitive.

I've tried SEO and it doesn't work. What makes you different?

If I got a pound for every time I heard this, I wouldn’t need to do SEO to earn a living!

There is a science to SEO, and not everybody is good at science.

I’ve got over 20 years experience of SEO, and some of my SEO clients have been using my services for 10 to 17 years. I think it is safe to say that if I wasn’t delivering on my promises, they wouldn’t be customers for that long.

The secret to effective SEO is to understand Google and what Google wants. If you deliver this, you get rewarded with high rankings.

How long will it take before I see results?

Depending on how competitive your search terms are will determine how quickly you will see results.

Local SEO tends to take effect more quickly than London SEO or nationwide SEO. So ranking for ‘SEO Woking‘ would happen quicker than ‘SEO London‘ or ‘SEO UK‘, for example.

Typically, you should start to see rankings in 4 to 6 weeks, although I do ask for a minimum 3 months to give the SEO work a chance to take effect, especially for the more competitive London and nationwide SEO campaigns.


Do you offer any guarantees?

Yes, I offer a full money-back guarantee that if I can’t get you ranked on page 1 of Google within 3 months for a relevant search term, I will refund your investment in full.

So, working with me is completely risk-free.

Because I don’t control Google, I can’t guarantee number 1 rankings for specific search terms. 

I use a tried and tested strategy that has been proven to deliver page 1, as well as, number 1 rankings on Google, often in the dozens, sometimes in the hundreds.

The increase in your website’s visibility on Google attracts plenty of new visitors to your website, which results in more business.

Do I need to sign up to a long contract?


There is an initial 3 months that I need to set everything up and to get you noticed by Google.

Once this period has passed, you move on to a rolling monthly contract, where you can cancel at any time by giving me 30 days notice of cancellation.

Can you show me proof of your success with your customers?

Of course, I can show you current ranking reports for local, London and nationwide SEO clients.

I've been told SEO is dead and I should be marketing on social media, is this true?

One word to answer this is INTENT.

To explain, when you are on social media platforms, are you there to buy something or catch up with friends and/or be entertained?

If you need something, do you search for it on Facebook or Instagram? Of course not, you Google it!

The reason why SEO works is intent.

People go to search engines to find products and services they want or need.

They are looking for a supplier with the intent of buying, and this is why SEO will outperform just about any other form of digital marketing.

Have any Questions?

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